My Profile Photo

My other website is a very unsuccessful Wu Tang Clan fan page

My name is jimmy. I like to do things, get better at those things, and drink beer afterwards. is a site about jimmy-things. Here, you can find blog posts, pictures, and links to prettier/smarter blog posts and pictures.

I will try to be amusing without being too wordy, meaning posts of ~500 words. If you like what you see, you can follow me by finding someone who looks like me and literally following them. Social Media and I are bad at each other.

My Running Playlist 20191219

Steady Nose Breathing …

How we greet people

I’ll mind my own business when you un-busy my mind.

Cloudland Canyon 50k

My Grandpa always said : “That ditch looks stupid.”

January Training Camp

It feels like 7 degrees.

I just want to write content pt 2

…turning this into a running theme every time I borrow a fantastic idea for this site. I want to give credit where credit is due. Click here for the original post

Bell Ringer 25k

My Grandpa always said : “I “rang” a lot of “bells” on Omaha Beach.”

I just want to write content pt 1

What good is this site if I’m too busy tooling around with the platform to generate content? I didn’t want to borrow code and copy templates. I wanted the satisfaction of learning this platform from the ground up. I even planned to share nuggets of experience along the way, paying...

First mobile update

Here’s a first mobile update while waiting in the airport, headed to Michigan for work. I wanted a mobile workflow to give me as much control as possible while avoiding contact with GitHub via browser. In summary - though I went through some trial and error - I ended up...

Creating a Modern Blog

It seems like every competent - and worldly- computer engineer has a blog. After seven years of Controls Engineering, predominantly improving FrontEnd applications, I have decided to also force feed my thoughts to the internet, as stylishly as I can.

Laundry Room Brewery pt 3

Installing Exhaust.

Laundry Room Brewery pt 2

Where it all began.

Laundry Room Brewery pt 1

Finished project preview.


slugified post titles